Committed to supporting each other
We spoke with James Maniar, one of our Contact Centre Coordinator's about his experience and the benefits of working at Nuffield Health with Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed with Asperger’s and what prompted your diagnosis?
"I was six years old and my school recommended to my parents that an independent person came in to carry out some tests, as I was learning things slower than my peers and took longer adjusting to change or different situations."
Are there any benefits that having Asperger’s brings to your role at Nuffield Health?
"I feel that I can often find a common ground with our beneficiaries, which enables me to be more companionate and have the ability relate to what they may be going through."
What challenges do you experience at work as a result of having Asperger’s?
"Sometimes new processes or systems may take a little longer to understand and implement. I learn best through repetition rather than reading a script or a how to guide."
If there was one thing that Nuffield Health could do to make your time at work easier, what would it be?
"I feel supported overall when I struggle there is typically someone on hand to support me. I have noticed that sometimes when there are multiple people telling you how to do something this can cause me to stress, so prefer to learn in a one on one environment."
If there was one thing that you would like other people to know or do differently, which would have a positive impact on you, what would it be?
"Give someone with Asperger’s a little more time to adjust to situations, be patient with them when they are learning and ensure that there is someone on hand to support."
We’re committed to making Nuffield Health an environment in which people with disabilities can enjoy fulfilling careers, and our recruitment policies do not discriminate in this respect.